General Information


We host two annual math competitions, a fall and spring event. The upcoming fall competition will take place in October. Dates vary between chapter locations. More information will be provided at a later date for each chapter.


The first event starts at 9:00 AM sharp. However, it is recommended that you arrive at 8:45, in order to have enough time to get settled, meet up with your team, and be given proper instructions.


Most chapters will host their event at the local library or high school. Please check back after October 1st for specific addresses.


Participants are free to bring their own pencils or pens. Writing utensils and scratch paper will be provided. There are no calculators allowed for any event!

Competition Format

Chaotic Friendship

The Chaotic Friendship round will be the first event, taking place from 9:15-9:40. You and your team will have about forty minutes to complete fifteen questions. There will be a multiple choice and free answer section. This is one of important events to determine who will win team awards and trophies!

Game of 24

This Game of 24 is what first got Tyler Kim interested in math! It will take place from 9:50 to 10:10. Each team will receive a series of problems, each with four numbers, and must come up with a way to combine the numbers to equal 24. For example: if given the numbers 2, 1, 3, and 4, a solution is 2*3*1*4=24. Can you find a solution for the one above?


The individual round is one of the most important events, for individual awards and trophies are given out based on performance in this round. It will take place from 10:20-11:00, with contestants having 45 minutes to complete a 10 question test. After this section is the one-hour lunch break, so give it all you got!

Puzzle Battle

The final event of the day is puzzle rush. It will take place from 11:10-11:30. The teams will be given a packet of puzzles and 30 minutes to solve as many as possible. The puzzles are NOT strictly related to math, but rather require a combination of logic, reasoning, critical thinking, and googling to figure out. Yes, phones are allowed.

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